James 1:8
8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.
The apostle James, the brother of Jesus addressed the Jewish Christians who were spread out across the nation. He talked specifically about trials and tribulations and where one's mind is regarding the Lord when facing them. What does it mean to be double-minded? It's the state of not knowing where one stands. It's the idea that one has not, can not or will not make a decision on what one believes to be true. What's the problem with this? As the apostle James says, it means one is unstable. But then what is unstable? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines unstable as not stable, fickle, vacillating, lacking effective emotional control, readily changing (as by decomposing) in chemical or physical composition or in biological activity. So in other words one has the inability to make up their mind and lacks mental clarity. There is no stability in one's thoughts, language and actions and they can't be counted on. Why is this a problem? If one is unstable with the Lord how can they be trusted? There's a reciprocal trust level with the Lord. If we trust Him and do as He has called us to do, He'll show us as we grow just how much He trusts us. But trust is the foundation. If we don't know where we stand regarding the Lord on the little trials, we certainly won't trust Him on the big ones. And if we are going back and forth of whether we will trust and follow Him, how can He ever come to a place where He will trust us with anything? Unstable simply means one can't be trusted. The foundation of any relationship is trust. Where there is no trust, there is no relationship. Our relationship with the Lord will also be reflected in our relationships with man. So if the Lord isn't able to trust us to declare where we stand with Him, how will we do it with man?
P.S. Remember to check out my man V this Saturday on the Artist to Artist Show on www.Qliveone.com at 8am CT, 2pm CT and 9pm CT and catch the Get Your JOY In The Morning segment!!
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