Thursday, November 10, 2011

Reciprocal Love

Psalm 4:7
7You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.

King David was slandered a lot during his life, especially as king. David sought the Lord to hear his plea. He longed to be free from those who constantly spoke against him and blamed him for their troubles. David noted that though they were angry, to sin in anger and place blame where it didn't belong was detrimental. David may have been facing trouble but his heart was still fixed on the Lord. The heart is the place where emotions and thoughts dwell. David's joy was not focused on temporary circumstances, nor where they focused on the many material possessions he had. David's joy was of the Lord. In the center of controversy, David still had a guarantee that no one could take from him. And that was the reciprocal love relationship he had with the Lord. What circumstances are you in right now? Is it the wrath of someone else's tongue? Is it any other trouble? Make your request to the lover of your soul. The Lord will be your guide. Only He can replace any hurt or burden with love and joy. The more you love the Lord, the more He will love you.

P.S. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 19th! I will be having a book signing event at John 3:16 Christian Bookstore in Lanham, Md to celebrate the store's anniversary! I will be signing books, taking pictures and hugging necks so join me! You should've received your invitation.

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