Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Two Ps

Psalm 49:7
7No man can redeem the life of another
or give to God a ransom for him-

The psalmist is giving wisdom on how fools think. We've seen movies in the 80s and 90s about people who would exchange their life for another for more time and/or a second chance at life. One such title was "Heaven Can Wait". But no one can exchange their life for someone else's. No one can buy their way or others out of death. Each person has a limited time here on earth and only God knows that length of time. Everyone born in this world must come to the end of life in a mortal body. The breath of life given to each person is not to be taken lightly. For it is a gift but God can redeem that breath at any time He chooses. Our duty, is to live life each day in praise and purpose. For one, we must praise the Lord because He is worthy. Second, living our God-given purpose is the way to show God gratitude. We must give an account of what we have done with our earthly lives when we come to the end of them. What will be said of you?  Are you living life by the two Ps?

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