Luke 12:8
8"I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God.
Jesus was frank when he said don't be afraid to claim Him. The Pharisees denied Jesus over and over. He warned what would happened. And He's the same today as yesterday. Don't be afraid to claim Jesus as your Savior! Does this mean we have to beat people over the head with it? No. But it means if we know that Jesus is the reason for something happening in our lives, then let us not walk in fear of saying so. Yes, some of us are afraid because we don't know how people may respond. But when someone has a death in their family or something else tragic is happening, people latch on to something. So why not lift Jesus up if you're willing. How He's kept you in a rough time can show the person that they can make it through with His help. Some people may then hold you accountable when you claim Jesus as your Savior but is that a bad thing? No. It ought not be as a way to shame you but your life being an example may open the door for someone to want to know who Christ is. Though we ought not do something just for acknowledgement's sake, people love public recognition more than anything. How great would it be to stand in front of Jesus and a host of angels and hear Jesus say, "You are one of my sheep." Do your friends and family know you love Jesus? Or is He still the best kept secret? Do they see Jesus in you? Are you recognized here on earth as one of His sheep?
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