1Samuel 20:3
3But David took an oath and said, "Your father knows very well that I have found favor in your eyes, and he has said to himself, 'Jonathan must not know this or he will be grieved.' Yet surely as the Lord lives and as you live, there is only a step between me and death."
The evil spirit the Lord caused to fall upon King Saul for his disobedience was very well aware of the Lord's plan to have David succeed as king. David did not ask for it but God decided the kingship should be his because David would be more faithful. So it's plan was to kill David at every opportunity it received. It was a jealous spirit. For David did everything twice as good as Saul but David respected and served Saul regardless. David was aware of the attacks against him but getting Jonathan to see that his father meant him harm took a test. Jonathan felt his father shared everything with him so he would know of such a plot. But Jonathan later found out that what David said was true. King Saul had every intention of getting rid of David. Once King Saul knew he was being tested, he immediately attempted to kill Jonathan for siding with David and threatened Jonathan that David as king would take his succession. Jonathan's oath to David surpassed the threat. For he knew David did nothing wrong. It was solely the anointing and favor God placed on David that Saul was jealous of. Saul once had the favor of God on him but he lost it because he was disobedient. God bestows favor on whom He chooses. What Saul did was ensure his own death in the end. Saul continued to be disobedient and judgement was brought upon him. David did not harm Saul though he could have but he recognized that God had once appointed Saul and it was only God that should remove him. Saul attempted to blame David over something that would eventually happen because it was Saul's own disobedience that caused his downfall. How many of us know those that refuse to take responsibility for their actions? Could we be guilty of this? Saul failed to understand that God's will would be done. He lost his life finding out. We can only fight against God's will for so long before it becomes a battle lost for us.
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