Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More Than Words

Proverbs 12:18
Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Words are more than words. As the wisdom filled King Solomon noted,words are piercing like a sword. We don't always think about it but if the Word of God is a sword for dividing truth and untruth, God called the world into being with words, then one can rightly determine that words are very powerful. When we speak to one another if it's with attitude other than love, then it will hurt. Truth sometimes hurts anyway but we usually don't want to hear it but when someone is is cruel with words, it leaves a nasty taste. One thing we must recognize is if it doesn't feel good when done to us, why then do it to someone else? We don't always think before we speak. We have a tendency put things out in the universe but they can never be taken back.. The wheels are set in motion whether it's a person's reaction to the words or the lack there of. But one who is wise knows that words cannot be changed and will seek to provide encouragement.

What you say is more than words, it can lift or break a spirit. And once a spirit is broken by your words, God has to be the clean up man.

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