Luke 14:13-14
13 But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind,14 and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
There's nothing like blessing someone with an unexpected gift and watch them glow. Jesus had been invited to the house of one of the Pharisees and he noticed how everyone took their seats and expected to be honored. But Jesus noted that often when someone does something nice for their friends or family, the recipient does something nice in return often repaying the same gift. But it's better to invite someone who can't repay you because the blessing won't come from them but from the Lord.
We often do things for people with an expectation that they will return the favor. But what if they can't? Would you still bless them if you could? Some of us hate owing people in any way so we look for an opportunity to repay them the kindness. But then is it really from the heart? God loves a cheerful giver not just to him but at all times. So if it's just so you don't owe anyone is the gift really being given cheerfully? We ought not hold a gift over someone to expect something back in return. If the Lord wants you to have something, trust that he will provide it. You may have no knowledge of the giver before hand but it will come.
Give without expectation especially to someone who may not be able to pay you back. Not so you can be rewarded by men, but it will be between you and God.
P.S. I want to give a heart felt thank you to the women of Shechem Covenant Outreach Ministries for having me at their Women's Luncheon this past weekend! What an honor to speak before you. I also want to thank the Debs In Christ of Celebration Church for allowing me to sit with them in on-going workshops. Such wonderful young ladies who are coming into adulthood.
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