Thursday, May 26, 2011

Only For a Moment

Amos 9:11
11 “In that day I will restore
   David’s fallen tent.
I will repair its broken places,
   restore its ruins,
   and build it as it used to be,

Did you know that God's anger doesn't last always? He does believe in restoration. Amos was considered a minor prophet. He was a shepherd from Tekoa. Israel and Judah were enjoying great prosperity but it was coming to an end and they would all be scattered. But God's mercy would restore them. God was determined to restore his people to where they used to be once they learned the lesson.

Has God ever showed mercy on your life? God's anger doesn't last always. The anger is like that of a parent who desires for their child's growth. God will make a point with us and punish us as a parent punishes a child because he desires for our maturity in him. But once the lesson is learned, the relationship can be restored. It's like a child who gets a spanking and the parent says, "this hurts me more than it hurts you." The parent doesn't delight in spanking the child or taking away something the child loves but it's necessary for the lesson to be understood. It's good to know that God thinks enough of us and loves us to want to teach us. And even more to restore us. Where in your life have you made mistakes and received the punishment? Were you not restored? Or are you just coming through this process? If so, find peace and comfort in the following:

Psalm 30:5 NKJV
5 For His anger is but for a moment,
         His favor is for life;
         Weeping may endure for a night,
         But joy comes in the morning.


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