Thursday, May 5, 2011

How Do You Show Love and Appreciation?

Luke 7:44
44 Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.

It's often easier for someone who is grateful to show love then for someone who takes things for granted. Jesus was invited to dinner at the house of  a Pharisee. He compared the hospitality of Simon, a Pharisee to that of a woman who had been forgiven of her sins. The woman showed Jesus more love and appreciation. While the Pharisee, who gave Jesus the invitation, did not provide the standard for hospitality. For it was customary for the host to provide water to guests so they could wash their feet after traveling on the dirt road. What did that say about Simon? Simon did not fully understand who had in his presence but the woman did. She sought Jesus out so she could thank him.

WOW! How many of us show Jesus the level of appreciation like the woman? Those of us who are believers are sometimes like Simon, we forget how blessed we really are and who we have access to. We can show Jesus appreciation for the sacrifice he made by the life we live and being obedient. But do we act like Simon? Do we not even give Jesus the standard of hospitality? The standard is to say thank you and praise his holy name. But are we willing to go above and beyond like the woman? She went to someone else's home and did not care what they thought about what she did. What she did was between her Jesus but her gratefulness allowed her to tune out everyone else and focus on giving Jesus the appreciation he deserves.

How are you showing Jesus you love him?

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