Luke 6:25
25 Woe to you who are well fed now,
for you will go hungry.
Woe to you who laugh now,
for you will mourn and weep.
We've heard "there's a time for everything," dubbed by King Solomon in the Word of God found in Ecclesiastes. In contrast to the beatitudes or blessings describe in Jesus' sermon on the Mount, he also describes the exact opposite or woes.If one is in the time of harvest right now, it will not always be so. If one is in a time of joy, it will not always be so. How can we appreciate what is good if we have no knowledge of what is bad? For that was what Adam and Eve discovered when they ate from the tree of life. That is why we too must know the difference between good and bad times. It's during those bad times that we often draw closer to the Lord. We are to be close to him no matter what the circumstance but our human nature is such that we usually don't pay attention to him until we are in trouble. It's like the college student living away from their parents that never calls home until they need food, money or prepping parents for the horrible grades to come. A college student such as this is often describe as selfish and lacking appreciation for the sacrifices their parents have made. Do we treat our Lord this way?
So if the law of physics deems that what goes up, must come down, so it is in our lives, in every way and everything. We must accept that there is both desert and oasis in life. The desert is to prepare for the oasis and the oasis is to remember while in the desert. Whatever our circumstances, love the Lord.
P.S. Join me Saturday, May 14th for the book signing event at John 3:16 Christian Bookstore in Lanham, MD from 1-4pm.
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