Thursday, May 19, 2011

Does it Hurt Enough Yet?

Jeremiah 17:5
5 This is what the LORD says:    “Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
   who depends on flesh for his strength
   and whose heart turns away from the LORD.

Are you depending on you to get your through? If so, per the Word of the Lord as given to the prophet Jeremiah, you are cursing yourself. The prophet Jeremiah was given a word to give to the people of Judah because they backslid so much. If like the people of Judah, we go from relying on God to relying on us, we have put ourselves in a pickle. We do not have the ability or strength God has without relying on him. However, from time to time we get in our minds that we are big and bad enough to say "I'm good God. I got this one." And when we have that attitude the Lord will step back and let us have things our way until we mess it up enough we can no longer handle it. If we are relying on others before turning to God, again we put ourselves in a pickle. Man will disappoint man. Unlike God, let's face it, man is fickle. We're ok with each other today but tomorrow we may not be for whatever reason. God stays the same but man changes like the wind. When we rely on vices to get us through a situation before turning to God, is that not turning away from him? We are damaging ourselves and don't always know until we look up and have gone so far to the left where we can no longer see God. Pride is not pleasing to him, and often he lets the string go enough just for us to see how much we will need to trust him in the end. How have you been relying on you instead of God? Does it hurt enough yet?

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