35 He turned the desert into pools of water
and the parched ground into flowing springs;
Did you know that God can turn nothing into something? The children of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years and raised another generation while there. According to Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, desert is defined as:
1a : arid land with usually sparse vegetation; especially : such land having a very warm climate and receiving less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of sporadic rainfall annually b : an area of water apparently devoid of life
2archaic : a wild uninhabited and uncultivated tract
3: a desolate or forbidding area desert of doubt>
So by man's account, the people of Israel shouldn't have survived their desert experience because there wasn't enough vegetation or rainfall. Ah But God! God had the ability to sustain his people before he had Joshua lead them into the land of Canaan that flowed with milk and honey. The desert, though considered not the best experience, was still a place that God had his hand on. God produced manna for them to eat. Not to store up but made it each day so they could be sustained for that day.
What desert experience is God taking you through at this time? Is he only allowing you to be sustained for that day, not storing anything for the future? By man's account of course you should not survive but God's hand is upon you, What lessons have you yet to learn, that like the Israelites, keeps you from whatever he's promised you? The promise land is anything that he's promised you that you have not yet received. What about you needs to shift? The children of Israel had to take off the slave mentality/old ways of thinking and learn to trust God. He gave daily opportunities for the Israelites to learn to trust him but the first generation never caught on. What daily opportunities is the Lord giving you to learn to trust him? What do you need to change?
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