Friday, March 11, 2011

Catch 22 Frenzy

Matthew 28:12-13

12 When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, 13 telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’

Have you ever witnessed or been caught in plans devised to hide a much needed truth? For the soldiers seemed to be caught in a catch 22. If they didn't go along with the chief priests and elders plan they would've had to deal with Pilate who gave them strict instructions on guarding the tomb. So what's a soldier to do? Further along in scripture, the soldiers went along with the plan and an entire nation of people missed out really understanding who Jesus is. Every choice has benefits and consequences. For the soldiers risked their good name and possibly their earthly life but what did they lose? They still lost their good name because it's still recorded in scripture but more importantly others were affected. We too often fear man but Jesus said that we must fear the one who determines where I soul will go. "It's a pickle," as the Oracle said in Matrix Reloaded.

What does this mean to you? There will come a crossroad in your life where you can be caught in a catch 22. On the one hand your own benefits and on the other, the benefits of so many others may lie in the balance. Which will you choose? If you are ever caught in a catch 22 to hide the truth, know that it's never really hidden. And if you fear losing your good name, you will lose it anyway with God unless you repent because he is the one you have to contend with. He can move man out of the way.

May your soul find peace this day. In Jesus Name!! AMEN!!

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