Isaiah 46:10
10 I make known the end from the beginning,
from ancient times, what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.’
Have you ever heard the saying, "begin with the end in mind"? That is what God does. God knew the plans he had for Babylon and Israel from the beginning. He knew exactly how it would all play out. He knew that Israel's rebellion would lead them to Babylon. God also knew that Babylon would take so much pride in itself that he would have to bring them down. God begins everything with the end in mind. He knows who will be by the time we come to the end of our journey. He knows us so well that he knows every hair on our head. It's just like parents that know their young children and know exactly when something is out of place. God's purpose will always come to pass because he is the maker of heaven and earth. He brilliantly made us all and everything in it. He even gave visions to those he knew would carry out his plans to make our world better and more efficient. But more importantly, he does what he pleases. Yes he gave us free will and because he did so, he still knows what we will choose and therefore prepares the appropriate rewards or consequences for choices. It is the difference between his perfect and imperfect will. Both will still lead you to God's purpose, but one has a few more bumps in the road.
Are you living in his perfect or imperfect will? Have you begun your endeavors with God's end in mind or yours?
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