Matthew 28:10
10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
Has the Lord ever told you to move forward and he would meet you? The women that loved Jesus worshipped him once more. Yet they feared going back to the disciples to tell them what they saw. They feared no one would believe they saw Jesus. One whom everyone saw die on that cross. But they knew deep in their spirit that the one speaking to them was the one they knew and loved. Jesus gave the women instructions for the disciples to make their way to a city and he would meet them there. It was a test of obedience for everyone. A test for the women to be obedient and not walk in a spirit of fear and for the disciples to move in faith that what they were told was from Jesus. This was the last step before Jesus would entrust HIS ministry to them.
Has the Lord ever promised something to you? Do you know that you will get the test either just before or just after receiving it? Abraham was told he would receive a son and that son would make him the father of many nations. He had to be tested again to see if he worshipped that son more than he did God. God tested him by having him take Isaac up to the mountain and prepare him for a sacrifice but it was not to be done. God just wanted to know if he would follow his instructions. The disciples were tested the same way. Jesus could've told them directly to go Galilee but instead he used the women. He wanted to know if the men would still act in faith.
Our Lord just wants to know he can trust us to carry out instructions no matter how strange they may sound. He just wants to know if our level of obedience can be trusted...not just for him but for our own sake and those who will be impacted by whatever is done. Is the Lord giving you your test before the ultimate breakthrough? Like the disciples, act in faith not by sight. It's always darkest just before dawn.
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