Friday, July 17, 2020

Good Morning All,

While you were sleeping, our movie, "The Empty Walls," was mentioned in a  USA Today article. We're raising the bar! Here it is:

#theemptywallsmovie #indiefilm #bookstofilm #raisingthebar #usatoday

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have been quiet for a minute because I have been busy. I have two announcements!!

1.  "Broken Pieces" has been picked up by Cinistream! Please see the screenshot below.

"Thank you for sharing the tweet, and for sharing your wonderful project with our platform! It really brought some smiles (and a few tears) to our faces!"

Best Regards,
Trenton Hoshiko
Founder and Application Manager

2.  I am working on a film project "The Empty Walls." Check out the production website  as well as the IMDb (Internet Movie Database- the entertainment industry's go to database for film, television and gaming) title page "The Empty Walls 2021" which lists the cast and crew connected to the movement.

Thanks for your support!! YOU ARE TREASURED!!



Sunday, June 7, 2020

Review of National Geographic's Documentary Film "LA92"

Good Evening,

I have spent the last two plus hours watching a documentary film titled "LA92" by Academy Award  Winners, Simon Chinn, Dan Lindsay, TJ Martin and Jonathan Chinn, that compared what happened in 1965 in Los Angeles and 1992. Both were race based riots and a discussion with Jane Elliott, award-winning fimmaker, Dream Hamilton, Jamal Simmons, Jelani Cobb . What did it reveal? That again, what is happening today, is not new and has never been new. As an African-American, my parents have often reminded me about what happened in the 1960s. I have lived through two race based riots both in 1992 and now. It was said that the problem is leadership. But it goes deeper than that. What this film reaffirmed is everything that I have recently written about in social media. The sin of slavery and the ideologies of systemic racism,  the psychological warfare that takes place against African-Americans through the justice system, companies, etc. We have to tear down the ideologies or this nation will implode on itself sooner rather than later. We have also seen that when African-Americans do things on their own, some European-Americans go the extra mile to destroy, i.e. Rosewood, Black Wall Street, gentrification. We have had self sustaining towns, banks, insurance companies all because the general public has previously told us, it didn't want to serve us, nor wanted us. The reality, this nation was founded the wrong way and has never atoned to the generations of Blacks who have provided numerous inventions and cultural contributions. Our creations are respected, but we are not. What was said is exactly the truth during the discussion, "African-Americans have never had a good relationship with law enforcement because it was developed out of slavery." The images of LA92 are very raw and hard to watch but a reality and truth is exactly what Dream Hamilton said, "genocide." Jane Elliott said it, "Africans were the first humans and they were explorers and they were Black. They traveled the world and populated it and taught others. There is no such thing as White, only faded. Everyone is an African descendant."  Jane Elliott said it, "Stop showing that clip. What do you think it is doing to Black men and their mothers? Do something about it. And stop the psychological genocide."

You can watch "LA92" on YouTube for free. It is graphic and painful but even more painful that nothing has changed.

#LA92 #nationalgeographic